A week in links (Trailers trailers trailers! version)

Man, so many good trailers came out this week!  First there was the Fate / Stay Night trailer of all things bad ass.  Then there was the Haruhi trailer of surprise and amazement.  Both are incredibly hype and worth checking out!  2010 is shaping up to be a great year for movies!

Speaking of movies, I still haven't seen anything for Trigun.  There's only two weeks left in the month — after that, it's probably safe to assume it's not coming out until 2010 (or later, at this rate).  What the hell happened to that movie?  I was so pumped to watch it!

I'm expecting video game news to slow down, now that Final Fantasy XIII is out in Japan.  I bet a lot of Japanese gamers and bloggers are going to retreat into their domains, playing the hell out of that game.  Until then, hopefully next week will continue being as good as this week was in news!

Michael Moore visits a maid cafe in Akihabara
As awesome as the pretext sounds, it was something of a let down.  I wonder if Mr. Moore was a little concerned footage of him going out to a maid cafe might be taken in the wrong context and used against him — he seemed a bit nervous in there.

VAP、細田守監督「サマーウォーズ」を3月にBD/DVD化 -AV Watch
$100 bucks for the BluRay, and rougly $75 for the DVD?  Is it no wonder the anime industry is dying?

The Escapist : News : Sony Says the "M" Words About PSN Again: Monthly Fees
Hat tip to Shyang for giving the heads up.  Hopefully Sony won't commit suicide and alienate their user base.  But then again, this is Sony we're talking about here…

『けいおん!』シリーズ第四弾!「ねんどろいど 琴吹 紬」が本日より案内開始なので遊んでみたお!
K-On! gets figmas!  News that's just in time for Christmas, lol

Haruhi Suzumiya Film's New Promo Video Streamed – Anime News Network

Spike VGAs highlight problems with industry awards
I agree whole-heartedly with this article.  Uncharted 2 wins game of the year, but not action-adventure title of the  year?  What gives?

Dungeons & Dragons For Microsoft Surface Has Come A Long Way – Dungeons & Dragons – Kotaku
Can you imagine what it'd be like if the Microsoft Surface was compatible with Project Natal?  Mind blown, sir!

FF13にはちゃんとパンチラあります 安心してご購入ください : はちま起稿
One brave gamer bites the bullet and provides…panty shots…for the rest of us non-Final Fantasy XIII owners.  Oh dear…

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Random quote of the day: "I like girls, but I'm more into justice."

December 2009

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